Archive for the 'Rant' Category

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The Harvard Yale Game

Perhaps you know already, but tomorrow is the Harvard-Yale game. If you have tickets, please go and cheer on your respective team.

As you may have noticed, my posting frequency has sort of slacked off (thank you CS 50). But, expect major site changes in the next week or so.

Until then, enjoy watching the game from the stadium “Dedicated to the Joy of Manly Contest.”

Election Night

What Harvard students do on election night…watch the elections, duh.

The Decision to Study Abroad?

What you need to know about…deciding whether or not to study abroad at Harvard.

Some students view a term abroad as an integral part of their undergraduate experience. That being said, amongst it peers, Harvard does not have the best reputation for encouraging studying abroad. While many things have improved in that past several years, there are still TEN important things to consider.

To study abroad or not to study abroad…THAT is the question.

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Must Do’s for a Harvard Student

The top three things a Harvard student must do are:

  1. Have sex in Widener stacks
  2. Run primal scream
  3. Pee on John Harvard’s foot

However, there are a number of other things that many many Harvard students all end up doing. This entry lists and describes the appeal of each.
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On Surviving Distractions

Harvard will keep you busy, but we all get too easily distracted by the likes of gmail, facebook, and youtube. Other times, your roommates will drag you out for an impromptu glow in the dark Frisbee session at night.

Here are some ways to minimize the impact of distractions if you really need to haul some ass.

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What They Didn’t Tell You on the Admissions Tour: Housing

Housing at Harvard is going to be awesome compared to pretty much any other college. Period.

However, because we’re Harvard students, we always find something to complain about. Here are a list of things about the housing situation that would knot your undies once you get on campus.

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How to Prepare for Your Freshmen Year

Harvard is an overwhelming experience. Every incoming first year will receive a packet of ALL the events occurring during the first two weeks of school. It will be packed with events — some mandatory, others highly recommended, and way too many of them will involve extracurriculars.

You’ll hopefully meet everyone in your entryway, and then everyone at every table you sit at in Annenberg. You will forget everyone’s name, maybe even your own. You’ll probably shop at The Coop and get ripped off, talk to advisers who tell you everything you already know, and receive more course syllabi than you’d actually like to sit and read through.

Here are a few tips that I found helped me out those first few months as a freshmen.

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Summers for Harvard Students

It is finally that time of the year when Harvard releases its students from the grip of its off-kilter academic calendar, and Harvard students scatter to many parts of the globe to have fun, help others, study abroad and earn marketable skills.

Freshmen are (generally) wonderfully oblivious to the Harvard obsession of “doing something worthwhile” during the summer. They prance through January worrying about books only to realize in February that a number of deadlines have already passed for e-recruiting and grants. (In my opinion, however, this oblivion is generally a good thing for freshmen.)

So, what exactly do Harvard students do during those beautiful summer months? (This is a completely descriptive, non-life-hackery post.)

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The Perils of Move Out

Move Out is almost like a dirty word on campus. No one really likes to talk about moving/schlepping their queen-sized bed down 4 flights of stairs to storage. Few enjoy the awkward goodbye-acquaintance hugs? handshakes? (But thank god, no one asks, where are you going to be this summer? [That question was long hashed out two-three months ago, leading more people to know where you're going to be rather than where you are from.])

So what is Move Out actually like?

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What They Didn’t Tell You on the Admissions Tour: Reading and Finals Periods

On the Admissions Tour, the perky Harvard undergraduates kindly inform you how delightful it is that Harvard is one of the few schools with an extended amount of time set aside for reading period and that we have an extended amount of time set aside for finals period.

However, they’ve conveniently glossed over a few essential facts about reading and finals period.

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