Tag Archive for 'internships'

The World Outside of Extracurricular Activities

Underclassmen have a tendency to bounce from one extracurricular to another (I was one of these). At the beginning of each term, they’ll slurp up a few more activities, test-try a few more clubs, take a stab at some pre-professional organization.

As a junior (sigh) now, I’ve realized that it’s incredibly easy to pigeon-hole yourself into just on-campus extracurricular activities when in reality there are a ton of opportunities outside of the “norm” that you can throw your time at.

Inside, is a brief sketch of the world outside of extracurriculars, commonly overlooked.

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Summers for Harvard Students

It is finally that time of the year when Harvard releases its students from the grip of its off-kilter academic calendar, and Harvard students scatter to many parts of the globe to have fun, help others, study abroad and earn marketable skills.

Freshmen are (generally) wonderfully oblivious to the Harvard obsession of “doing something worthwhile” during the summer. They prance through January worrying about books only to realize in February that a number of deadlines have already passed for e-recruiting and grants. (In my opinion, however, this oblivion is generally a good thing for freshmen.)

So, what exactly do Harvard students do during those beautiful summer months? (This is a completely descriptive, non-life-hackery post.)

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